
What to Expect
We are committed to the preaching of Jesus Christ crucified and risen for the justification of the sinner by grace through faith, for Jesus’ sake. We are sinners who are gathered together in order to hear God’s Word, receive forgiveness of our sin in His sacraments, and give thanks and praise to the Triune God for all His mercy and gifts to us. (Read More)
Our Location
St. Paul Lutheran Church
305 W State St.
Cassopolis, MI 49031
We invite you to park in the church parking lot. You may enter the north or south entrance prior to worship. Please note: at 9:00 AM on Sundays we lock our south entrance door.

Worship and Bible Study
Sunday Worship at 9:00 AM,
Sunday Bible Study at 10:45 AM
Wednesday Bible Study at 9:30 AM
Lent and Holy Week at St. Paul
Ash Wednesday Divine Service Wednesday March 5th, 7:00 PM
Lenten Midweek Services
Wednesdays March 12th, 19th, and 26th; April 2nd and 9th
Soup Supper at 6 PM, Worship at 7 PM
Maundy Thursday Divine Service
Thursday April 17th at 7 PM
Good Friday Service
Friday April 18th at 7 PM
Easter Vigil Service
Saturday April 19th at 7 PM
Easter Breakfast
Sunday, April 20th at 8:30 AM
Easter Sunday Divine Service
Sunday April 20that 10 AM

Food Pantry: Open to the public every third Saturday of the month from 9:30-11:00 AM.
Children's Ministry: The spiritual formation of children is a top priority of our congregation. Children of all ages are invited to worship at St. Paul. We have Sunday School available for children during our Bible Study hour.